Today the relics have travelled to Cardiff, their only public venue in Wales during the month-long tour. Once again, it seems that great crowds have turned out. Today in Lancaster we have been preparing more of the Cathedral site, including the final stages of work on our St Thérèse garden, which opens on Sunday. Stewards have been briefed about our special schools programme, and there have been some media enquiries to deal with. More booklets have come off the printer, and badges have been made for stewards. Two people on a tour of the Cathedral this morning were at Birmingham when St Thérèse was there over the weekend, and came in after the lunchtime Mass to share their experiences and give us a few tips! On Sunday we also met a couple who had visited the relics in Taunton. If you're planning to come to Lancaster when the relics are with us, we now have some new practical information about the visit on our website: click here for our 'practicalities' page, which includes information about transport and parking as well as other advice, such as suggestions about things you may need to bring. The image in this post is from, which is following the tour at each stop.
Jubilee (Holy) Year 2025
Jubilee (Holy) Year 2025 Pilgrims of Hope’.
As the bishop announced in his letter last weekend Pope Francis will open a
Holy Year for the entire Catholic ...
5 weeks ago